Certified Overnight

Newborn Care

Difficult Pregnancy, Newborn with special needs or maybe you just need a night of sleep? We have you covered, our newborn care specialist are available to come to your home for as long as you need. Morning, noon or night and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

It Takes A Village

A Rock A Bye Baby Newborn Care Specialist will help and even take the lead, if wanted, so you can sit back and learn about about the daily care of your baby(s). We'll teach you proper swaddling techniques, assist if any bottle or breastfeeding issues arise. We also work closely parents showing them several different techniques for soothing and calming their newborn. We support mom if she is nursing, helping both mother and child find the most effective to feed. If mom is not nursing we handle all the night feedings so parents can get plenty of sleep.

Our Night Nurses will give you peace of mind, care for your baby(s) helping ensure that everyone is getting the much needed rest they deserve.

Other Areas Assistance:



Initiating and keeping a schedule

Breast feeding Support

Prepare Bottles

Bottle Cleaning

Restocking Nursery

Circumcision Care

Cord Care